What Every Investor Dreams Of:
Achieving Steady, High Returns with Low Draw Downs
ONLY Possible Trading in Real Time with A.I.
Welcome to
In The TRADEnosis Group, we are perfecting the art of End of Day Trading and Investing on individual Stocks using Artificial Intelligence.
TRADEnosis RT is a new project that is also based on our Artificial Intelligence research.
The Mission of TN/RT is to continue building Strategies that trade select groups of highly liquid stocks in Real Time, as we deploy them in the Cloud for Subscribers to trade.
2-Minute Overview Video
This TRADEnosis RT Strategy trades three stocks (NVDA, TSLA, and NFLX) in 5 Minute charts using AI-generated Signals. The simulation shows an Annual ROI of 115%with an incredibly low 1.2% Max Draw Down. That's a Calmar Ratio over 80. *
We continually train the AI System to update Rules as time moves forward. We have just begun our AI-powered RT Strategy journey.
* These are simulated results. Click here for all statistics from the Complete and (separate) Out of Sample Simulations. Statistics do not include the effects of commissions, spreads, or slippage.
The Advantage of Investing in Real Time
Navigating Intense Volatility

To the left is a chart of QQQ, representing the NASDAQ 100 from February through April 2024. Position trading in this timeframe was treacherous, as the market took volatile swings, both up and down, ending exactly where it started.
We aren't saying that profitable investments during this period were impossible to achieve. Our End of Day TRADEnosis 2 Strategies did fine during this period.
We just think many investors would prefer an approach that completely avoids the overnight risk. We certainly do. The next chart of TSLA shows how trading during the session can be a superior approach.
The Real Time Advantage
While our TRADEnosis effort was launched to purpose EOD Stock Trading, Jeff Drake was doing some ground-breaking research using Nirvana’s AI on specific, highly liquid stocks like NVDA, BAC, and TSLA, trading in Real Time. So far, the results are phenomenal.
We are seeing great results using Nirvana’s Genetic Algorithm now. But there's ALSO the promise of Cloud AI. We believe the same Models that will power TRADEnosis (EOD) will work in Real Time. Honestly, we've only just begun to explore the potential.

A good day for TSLA (5 Minute Chart). Of course, not all trades are profitable. But our early tests indicate a high degree of consistency using these AI Strategies on liquid stocks like TSLA, in Real Time.
The Next Phase of TRADEnosis RT
On April 21, we launched TRADEnosis RT as a new research project. Since the Alpha started, we have added new Symbols and refined the Strategy. As we enter the official Beta Test, we are taking on a limited number of new Members. Existing TRADEnosis Members get a significant discount to come on board. We are only selling enough seats to meet our requirements (see below for current, Available Seat Count). Once we have a live track record, we will discontinue selling "seats," and expect licenses to cost $10k with recurring AutoTrade fees of $400+ per month.
Runs In the Cloud
on Our OmniVest Servers!
The OmniVest Platform was created in 2013 and, after 10 years, is still running strong. It’s the most robust Strategy-based platform in the world.
With your Interactive Broker connection through Gar Wood Securities, you can just turn it on with a few clicks. A video is provided that walks you through the process.
Using our Automated Trading Technology puts your account on Auto Pilot as it trades the Signals in Real Time every day.

We use OmniVest's "Elite Trader" feature to automatically trade accounts at Interactive Brokers.

Why TRADEnosis RT?
- 100% Automated. We Run the Strategies for you and direct trades to your Interactive Brokers Account.
- NO OVERNIGHT RISK. All trades exit before the Closing Bell.
- AI Training. Our AI trains to the personality of each stock to take advantage of its unique market structure. We incrementally re-train the AI to capture current market dynamics.
- Monitoring. We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our trade management to make adjustments when needed.
- Cloud AI Project: We will apply lessons learned from the TRADEnosis 2 Project to test Cloud AI on our real time data.
- Only Pay Once: As a Lifetime Subscriber to TN/RT, you pay once and enjoy all RT AI Strategies we release.
Join TRADEnosis RT,
As We Continue to Perfect
the use of Artificial Intelligence
to Trade Stocks in Real Time
Subscriptions and Special Offers
TRADEnosis Charter Members can add TRADEnosis RT onto their existing subscription for 50% of the TRADEnosis RT Subscription price. Non-Members can also join TRADEnosis RT, provided Seats are available.
Seats Available:
Note: if the above number is "0" please
click here to be added to the Wait List.
Current TRADEnosis Group Members: 50% Discount
Add TRADEnosis RT Lifetime Subscription for 50% off.
Auto-Trade ALL RT Stock Strategies we release, at no additional cost **
NOT a TRADEnosis Group Member:
Subscribe to TRADEnosis RT for Life.
Auto-Trade ALL RT Stock Strategies we release, at no additional cost. **
Purchase Both
Join The TRADEnosis Group AND Subscribe to TRADEnosis RT for Life.
Gain Access to all areas of the TRADEnosis Group Web Site (EOD Strategies)
Auto-Trade ALL RT Stock Strategies we release, at no additional cost. **
** We only trade the most liquid stocks in TRADEnosis RT, but due to the Real Time nature of the Strategies, we must limit trade size. Any subscription can trade a single account, with up to $500,000 in trading capital (including the use of leverage). Additional subscriptions can be purchased to exceed this amount, provided Seats are available. All TRADEnosis Group and TRADEnosis RT Purchases are non-refundable.

About the TRADEnosis Group
TRADEnosis was the term coined by AI Researcher Steve Mayo when he built his first Cloud AI system in 2022.
We have taken the lessons learned from this early version to pursue the creation and testing of Super Inputs in our Rule-Based Models.
As we do this, Members of the TRADEnosis Group have access to the interim EOD Strategies. Simply download and run them in OmniTrader (which we provide if you don't have it.)
Our goal is to deploy TRADEnosis 2 into the Cloud, so it can provide Signals from the market to Members on multiple platforms, including OmniVest, OmniTrader and VisualTrader.
Interested in Joining The TRADEnosis Group?
Gain access to all the resources on this site,
including Super Inputs, End of Day Strategies, User Forum and more
PLUS access to TRADEnosis Cloud AI when released - at no additional cost.
Click here for more information
on The TRADEnosis Group.
Click to join both The TRADEnosis Group AND TRADEnosis RT
Questions? Call 1-800-880-0338
Important Information: Futures, options and securities trading has risk of loss and may not be suitable for all persons. No Strategy can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. These results are based on simulated or hypothetical performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. There are numerous market factors, including liquidity, which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.