Latest News:
Harnessing Transformers and RL for Trading
I am excited to announce that Carolina Craus, our A.I. Researcher and I have embarked on a new project to harness the power of the new Transformer A.I. Neural Network technology to build "Agents" that essentially learn how to trade. We will also be feeding the G.A.'s we use to build the Inputs back to the TN Group.

Visit the Videos tab for the presentation and white paper.
About TRADEnosis:
Its History and Mission
Nirvana's Genetic Algorithm:
Our A.I. Workhorse
Nirvana Systems has been refining its A.I. products for traders since 1996. We've created Neural Networks, Consensus Blocks, Deep Learning Modules and the Genetic Algorithm.
The Genetic Algorithm is an incredibly fast way to find RULES in market data. It's called a Genetic Algorithm because it is modeled after Genes and Chromosomes. Chromosomes represent Trading Rules, and Genes represent Features that are measured for each Rule.
As the Genetic Algorithm "evolves" its "Population" of potential Rules, any Rules it finds that are profitable are saved in the Rule Knowledge Base.
This 3-Minute Video explains Genetic Algorithm Basics
The above 3-minute video explains the concept. This requires a massive number of calculations. Early versions could generate at most 1 Rule every 5 seconds. However, this latest Genetic Algorithm has been optimized to operate at blinding speed. A population of 1,000 Chromosomes can be measured against 30 stocks over 10 years of data (75,000 bars) & identify Rules at the rate of 10 per second.
The History of TRADEnosis
Building Cloud A.I. for Traders

In 2021, Nirvana Club Member and retired scientist Steve Mayo set out to build a Cloud A.I. System for investing. By the end of 2022 he had assembled a massive array of Servers, Data Collectors, and A.I. Models and had the System running .
We worked with Steve to connect his System to OmniTrader, and a great deal was learned from this effort. When we lost the global market data providers Steve was using in Q4 of 2023, we had to find another source and decided to switch to our data.
We also decided to use the Genetic Algorithm so we could find Super Inputs so Steve can run them in the latest and most powerful A.I. Models. Our mission goal in The TRADEnosis group is to then deploy the final A.I. Stock Market System in the Cloud so recommendations can be delivered through OmniTrader, mobile apps, and other venues.
Get Great A.I. Strategies Now
Receive the Cloud A.I. Version when released.
The data fed to an A.I. model should identify high level "Features" like key chart patterns, consensus of movement and other indications of bullish or bearish sentiment.
We call these advanced algorithmic Features, Super Inputs. It's the model's job to combine Super Inputs to create profitable Trading Rules.
Super Inputs have already been developed for our OmniTrader G.A. based Strategies, and more are being quickly released as we make additional discoveries.
The process we are using is illustrated in this Mind Map (click for large view).
The Mind Map shows two parallel paths. On the bottom is the Nirvana Genetic Algorithm path, which is where we are pushing our A.I. to the limits, while we build Strategies to deliver to our Charter Members for their trading.
The top part of the Mind Map represents the construction of Super Inputs and the Cloud A.I. path, which directly involves Steve Mayo, our cloud A.I. expert.
As we develop Super Inputs for our Genetic Algorithm, we pass them to Steve for testing in the modern A.I. Models he has access to. Once, these Models surpass the performance exhibited by the G.A. in OmniTrader, we will switch to delivering the Cloud A.I. Solution.
In the Cloud Solution, our Members can still use OmniTader, except Signals will be delivered through a special System, as we did for TRADEnosis 1. The Signals will also be deliverable in a Mobile App, and potentially other venues on the web.

Downloads page
Nothing to Learn
Just Download and Install
As a Member, the A.I. Strategies we release are available to you on the Downloads page. If you already know how to use OmniTrader, you're all set. Just download, install. open the Profile and run the "To Do List".
These Strategies we've release so far already have very high performance numbers. In the recent Version 4, we are seeing Forward Test returns of 100% with Max Draw Downs of just 6%, which is a "Calmar Ratio" over 10. As you know, it's very hard to get that.
The whole idea of The TRADEnosis Group is to continue making advances using our Nirvana A.I. and providing discoveries to Members as we make them. Our goal is to make each release more exciting and profitable. It's going really well so far. - Ed Downs
"Looks Great Ed – I really like the Dev v3 Release" - Hugo V. (Member post in the Forum)
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including Super Inputs, Strategies, User Forum and more
PLUS access to TRADEnosis Cloud A.I. when released - at no cost.
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